Thursday 28 August 2014

I'm back!!

Finally I am back to Luxe and Low!

Since my last post, which seems like years ago now,  I've been so busy with other projects that I've neglected my poor baby! Well anyway I'm back to blogging now and have a few new beauties to show you.

This year we have been so lucky with the weather and have had an amazing summer which always means lovely summer outfits. I pretty much stick to a uniform of black, whatever the weather, but this summer I've been tried to incorporate some more colour into my outfits through my shoes. Slowly but surely I am becoming a shoe hoarder but a woman can never have too many shoes right?

The first pair of shoes that have stolen my heart are these amazing red boots from Marks and Spencer's. So many people wouldn't even step foot into M&S but I am telling you right now that you are missing out! Their Limited Edition line is one of the best on the high street and is stylish as well as high quality.

For some reason these boots remind me a lot of the Chloe Susanna boots which retail at £795, which is a crazy price. These babies cost me a respectable £39.50 and are so comfortable. I must say they can be quite difficult to match with the right outfits but when put with a pair of blue jeans and a white tee they look incredible. I sometimes put them with an all black outfit and leave the boots as the stand out piece.

A great investment for the summer to autumn transition ladies!

Next up are a pair of boots from Primarni. To me, you can't go wrong with shoes from New Look and Primark! I've wanted a pair of Timberland boots for forever now but can't force myself to fork out the £100-something price tag. So being the bargin hunter that I (sometimes) am, as soon as I saw these I had to buy them. They come in the traditional brown colour as well as navy blue and black.

They are so comfortable and to be honest look like real Timberlands when they are on. Also a key Primark tip is ignore the Marble Arch flagship and get down to the store on Tottenham Court Road. It is my find of the summer- so much quieter and just as big as the Marble Arch store.

These 'fake' Timbs were £15 and are going to be so useful when it starts getting a bit colder :)

Last but not least are ANOTHER Primark pair - I promise I shop at other stores- that have taken prize position in my wardrobe. These blue court shoes are so flattering and lady like. They can be worn with a casual outfit as well as a going out, more dressy outfit.

These babies were £9...NINE POUNDS?!! God please save me from these ridiculous prices hahaha!

Classic, colourful and versatile, you really cannot ask for more. 

I hope you liked this quick shoe dedicated post, I am now going to be back in the full blogging swing so you can expect some fun fashion talk coming your way!

Keep it Luxe <3

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